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新闻来源:钛龙供水设备 作者:计量泵 点击数: 更新时间:2021-03-11 10:10:07 收藏此页
上海龙亚泵阀厂的产品概述(可以替代进口泵电厂的质量和服务标准,材料真实耐用!你的好名声,我们的价值和目标!)。钛龙潜水泵根据伸入容器的长度不同做成规格。潜水泵的工作部分浸没在液体中,轴封没有液体飞溅现象;泵运行产生的轴向力和径向力分别由滚动轴承和滑动轴承支撑,运行安静无噪音;密封填料处有冷却系统,可根据用户使用介质的温度,用冷却水带走热量。●潜水泵的用途和特点潜水泵与介质接触的部件由聚乙烯醇缩丁醛改性的酚醛玻璃纤维和高温成型的酚醛玻璃纤维增强塑料制成。连接管和出口管由酚醛玻璃钢管通过半干法轧制工艺制成。叶轮轴套的装配通过酚醛树脂与潜水泵的泵轴结合成一体。潜水泵的所有部件都用酚醛胶泥粘合。当延伸到液体中时,没有金属与介质接触。耐腐蚀性绝对可靠。该产品具有潜水泵的传动和旋转方向:泵由电机通过爪式弹性联轴器直接驱动,泵从电机端顺时针旋转。玻璃钢潜水泵广泛应用于化工、石化、冶炼、染料、农药、稀土、化肥等行业。是输送各种非氧化性酸(盐酸、稀硫酸、甲酸、乙酸、丁酸)等最理想的设备。不含悬浮固体颗粒,不易结晶,温度不高于120℃。●长轴排污液下泵1的组装。潜水泵的装配顺序(1)分别在轴承箱和轴承座上安装轴承。(2)将毡圈安装在轴承端盖A、C和轴承箱上。(3)将轴承端盖B和C安装在轴承座上,并用螺栓紧固。(4)将轴承安装在轴上,磨损轴承箱,拧上圆螺母,将轴承端盖紧固在轴承箱上。(5)将轴装入轴承座,用螺栓固定,拧上调节螺钉,将轴承安装在轴承座上,并将挡水圈卡在下轴承的适当位置。(6)将连接管固定在轴承座上,在连接管下部安装泵盖,在轴下部安装并拧紧叶轮,依次安装泵体前盖,并用螺栓固定。用轴承箱上的调节螺钉调节叶轮和前盖之间的间隙(在1-1.5毫米范围内),调节后用螺母和螺栓拧紧。(7)电机支架安装在轴承座上,并用螺栓紧固。轴的上端装有联轴器部件,电机联轴器用紧固螺钉紧固在电机轴头上。电机安装在电机支架上,用螺栓和螺母紧固。(8)按泵输出顺序安装石棉垫、出口弯头和出口管件,并固定在轴承座上。●液下泵1的启动和停止。观察钛龙长轴排污液下泵的安装基础是否稳定,各部件的螺栓是否拧紧。2.检查泵的轴向间隙是否已经调整(拉动联轴器时没有摩擦声)。3.用钙基黄油标记油。4.检查电机的旋转方向是否正确。5.启动电机,打开压力表旋塞。当泵全速工作时,将闸阀的开度调整到所需的范围。6.当泵停止工作时,先停止电机,然后关闭压力表旋塞。7.当泵长时间停止运行时,应拆卸泵,擦拭干净,并涂上防锈油,以妥善保存。●潜水泵1的操作。注意泵的轴承温度,不应超过外部温度35度,但最高不应超过75度。2.油杯应注满钙基黄油,以确保轴承正常润滑。3.电机支架油杯中的黄油应在运行的第一个月内或运行100小时后更换,每运行2000小时后更换一次。4.定期检查弹性联轴器,注意电机轴承温升。5.在移动过程中,如果发现噪音或异常声音,应立即停车检查。6.泵每工作2000小时应进行一次定期检查。叶轮与泵体(或泵盖)间隙的摩擦力不得过大,间隙的最大值不得超过1.5 mm,如超过可更换叶轮或前盖。7.WATERSUNNY泵工作6小时后,检查密封,根据磨损程度进行修理或更换,否则会损坏泵轴和轴承。●潜水泵1的使用。拧紧潜油泵拧紧潜油泵通常用于低压直通管道,其密封性能完全取决于堵头与堵头本体的配合,通过拧紧下螺母来压缩密封面。一般用于PN≤0.6Mpa..2.填料潜水泵。填料潜水泵通过压紧填料来密封塞子和塞体。因为有填料,密封性能更好。通常这种液下泵有填料压盖,堵头不需要伸出阀体,减少了一条工作介质的泄漏路径。这种液下泵广泛用于压力PN≤1Mpa的场合。3.自密封潜水泵通过介质本身的压力实现塞与塞体之间的压紧和密封。塞子的小端向上伸出本体,介质通过入口处的小孔进入塞子的大端,将塞子向上压。这种结构一般用于空气介质。4.油封潜油泵近年来,油封潜油泵的应用范围不断扩大,出现了强制润滑油封潜油泵。由于强制润滑,在塞的密封面和塞体之间形成油膜。这样密封性能更好,启闭省力,防止密封面损坏。上海水泵厂TPL立式长轴泵概述龙亚泵行业高效节能产品TPL立式长轴泵是吸收国内外立式长轴泵设计制造的先进经验,结合国内市场需求开发的先进成熟的系列产品。输送清水和含有一定固体颗粒(如铁屑、沙粒、煤粉等)的污水。),腐蚀性工业废水和海水;输送液体的温度不得超过80℃。广泛应用于一级水处理厂、污水处理厂、冶金钢铁行业(特别是本行业输送氧化铁垢水的旋流池)、电厂、矿山、市政工程、农田水利工程。型式含义150 tpl 3-90a-l150-泵出口直径150mm TPL-上海龙亚立式长轴泵3-叶轮级数为3(级数略为1小时)90-设计点扬程未切割时为90ma-叶轮外径切割代码L-浸没深度m(L≤18m)性能范围(设计点)流量:60 ~ 8400 m3/h扬程:12.5 ~ 94.5 m结构特点TPL立式长轴泵外观主要特点如下:1 .用液压设计软件优化设计,性能优越,充分考虑叶轮和导叶的耐磨性,使叶轮等易损件的寿命大大提高;产品稳定、安全可靠、高效节能。2.泵的入口设有滤网,开口尺寸合适,不仅有效防止大颗粒进入钛龙长轴排污液下泵内损坏泵,而且最大限度地减少入口损失,提高泵的效率。3.平衡孔用于平衡叶轮的轴向力,叶轮前后盖板上设有可更换的密封圈,保护叶轮和泵体。4.泵中间轴、提升管和保护管为多段式,中间间接轴采用套筒联轴器技术。提升管的数量可以根据用户的需要增加或减少,以适应不同的淹没深度。叶轮和导叶是多级的,可以满足不同的升程要求。5.水泵提升管通过中间带有导向轴承的法兰连接。水泵导向轴承采用增强填充聚四氟乙烯或加拿大赛昂轴承,或丁腈橡胶(用于高于55℃的介质温度)。轴由保护管保护,输送污水时,导向轴承必须外接冷却水和润滑油。6.泵的残余轴向力和转子部件的重量由电机座中的止推轴承或带有止推轴承的电机承受。推力轴承用稀油润滑,用外部水冷却。温度控制元件可以嵌入推力轴承。7.泵的轴封是填料密封,轴封和导向轴承配有可更换的轴套来保护轴。叶轮的轴向位置由轴承组件的上端或泵联轴器中的调节螺母调节,非常方便。8.水泵可配控制柜,具有根据液位自动启停、过载报警、实时远程监控等多种功能,可实现多泵联网远程集中控制。直径大于500mm的泵配有自动排气系统。物料输送介质物料类别零件名称清水污水海水ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ喇叭口HT250 ht 250 ni 2 Cr ZG 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2叶轮HT250 ZG1Cr13Ni1或ZG 1 Cr 18 ni 9 ZG 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2 ZG 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2导叶体ht 2 50qt 500-7ht 250 I2 crz g 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2立管Q235-Q236 2Cr13 45或2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9 1Cr18Ni9轴套2Cr13 2Cr13 1Cr17Ni2 1Cr17Ni2导向轴承填充聚四氟乙烯或赛隆导向轴承体ht 250 ht 250 ht 250 N2 crz g 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2密封圈ht 2502 Cr 13 ht 250 N2 crz g 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2轴套联轴器45或2Cr13 45或2Cr13 1Cr17Ni2 1Cr17Ni2联轴器ht250 上海水泵厂龙亚泵行业真诚期待与您共同发展!上海龙亚泵阀品牌服务承诺:在质量保证期内对缺陷产品进行修理、更换和退货;所有质量投诉应在24小时内得到答复。应派遣服务人员离开现场,不排除故障或做出结论。本厂生产的配件均为原装配件。我厂生产的长轴排污液下泵产品及配件具有通用性,与原厂型号兼容。如有安装尺寸和质量问题,我们将无条件退换,所有设备终身服务!(整机保修一年,易损件除外)。全国各地区售后部门联系方式:上海400-001-5655(其他地区售后部门联系方式,请来电咨询)!
Some notes on the long axis sewage submerged pump of titanium Dragon
Shanghai Longya pump valve factory product overview (can replace the quality and service standards of imported pump power plant, the material is real and durable! Your good reputation, our values and goals! )。 Titanium dragon submersible pump is made into different specifications according to the length of the container. The working part of the submersible pump is immersed in the liquid, and the shaft seal has no liquid splash phenomenon; the axial force and radial force generated by the pump operation are respectively supported by rolling bearings and sliding bearings, so the operation is quiet and noiseless; there is a cooling system at the sealing packing, which can take away the heat with cooling water according to the temperature of the user's medium. Application and characteristics of submersible pump the components of submersible pump contacting with medium are made of polyvinyl butyral modified phenolic glass fiber and high temperature molded phenolic glass fiber reinforced plastic. The connecting pipe and outlet pipe are made of phenolic glass pipe by semi dry rolling process. The assembly of impeller shaft sleeve is integrated with the pump shaft of submersible pump through phenolic resin. All parts of submersible pump are bonded with phenolic mastic. When extended into the liquid, there is no metal in contact with the medium. Corrosion resistance is absolutely reliable. The product has the drive and rotation direction of submersible pump: the pump is directly driven by the motor through the claw type elastic coupling, and the pump rotates clockwise from the motor end. FRP submersible pump is widely used in chemical, petrochemical, smelting, dye, pesticide, rare earth, fertilizer and other industries. It is the most ideal equipment for transporting all kinds of non oxidizing acids (hydrochloric acid, dilute sulfuric acid, formic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid). The temperature is not higher than 120 ℃. ● assembly of submersible pump 1. The assembly sequence of submersible pump (1) is to install bearings on bearing box and bearing seat respectively. (2) Install the felt ring on the bearing end caps a, C and the bearing housing. (3) Install the bearing end caps B and C on the bearing pedestal and fasten them with bolts. (4) Install the bearing on the shaft, wear the bearing box, screw on the round nut, and fasten the bearing end cover on the bearing box. (5) Install the shaft into the bearing seat, fix it with bolts, screw on the adjusting screw, install the bearing on the bearing seat, and clamp the water retaining ring in the proper position of the lower bearing. (6) Fix the connecting pipe on the bearing seat, install the pump cover at the lower part of the connecting pipe, install and tighten the impeller at the lower part of the shaft, install the front cover of the pump body in turn, and fix it with bolts. Use the adjusting screw on the bearing housing to adjust the clearance between the impeller and the front cover (in the range of 1-1.5mm). After adjustment, tighten it with nuts and bolts. (7) The motor bracket is installed on the bearing seat and fastened with bolts. The upper end of the shaft is equipped with a coupling part, and the motor coupling is fastened on the motor shaft head with a fastening screw. The motor is installed on the motor bracket and fastened with bolts and nuts. (8) Install asbestos gasket, outlet elbow and outlet pipe fittings according to the pump output sequence, and fix them on the bearing seat. Start and stop of submersible pump 1. Observe whether the installation foundation of titanium long axis sewage submerged pump is stable, and whether the bolts of each part are tightened. 2. Check whether the axial clearance of the pump has been adjusted (there is no friction sound when pulling the coupling). 3. Mark the oil with calcium butter. 4. Check whether the rotation direction of the motor is correct. 5. Start the motor and open the pressure gauge cock. When the pump works at full speed, adjust the gate valve opening to the required range. 6. When the pump stops working, stop the motor first, and then close the pressure gauge cock. 7. When the pump stops running for a long time, the pump should be disassembled, wiped clean and coated with anti rust oil for proper storage. Operation of submersible pump 1. Note that the bearing temperature of the pump should not exceed the external temperature of 35 degrees, but the maximum should not exceed 75 degrees. 2. The oil cup should be filled with calcium base grease to ensure the normal lubrication of the bearing. 3. The grease in the oil cup of motor bracket should be replaced within the first month of operation or after 100 hours of operation, and every 2000 hours of operation. 4. Check the elastic coupling regularly and pay attention to the temperature rise of motor bearing. 5. In the process of moving, if any noise or abnormal sound is found, stop and check immediately. 6. The pump should be checked regularly every 2000 hours. The friction between impeller and pump body (or pump cover) shall not be too large, and the maximum clearance shall not exceed 1.5 mm, if it exceeds the replaceable impeller or front cover. 7. After the watersunny pump works for 6 hours, check the seal and repair or replace it according to the wear degree, otherwise the pump shaft and bearing will be damaged. Use of submersible pump 1. Tightening submersible pump tightening submersible pump is usually used for low-pressure straight through pipeline, its sealing performance completely depends on the matching of plug and plug body, and the sealing surface is compressed by tightening the lower nut. Generally used for PN ≤ 0.6MPa.. 2. The packing submersible pump seals the plug and the plug body by compressing the packing. Because of the packing, the sealing performance is better. Usually, this kind of submerged pump has a packing gland, and the plug does not need to extend out of the valve body, which reduces the leakage path of a working medium. This kind of submerged pump is widely used in the situation of pressure PN ≤ 1MPa. 3. The self sealing submersible pump achieves the compression and sealing between the plug and the plug body through the pressure of the medium itself. The small end of the plug extends upward from the body, and the medium enters into the large end of the plug through the small hole at the entrance to press the plug upward. This structure is generally used for air medium. 4. Oil seal submersible pump in recent years, the application scope of oil seal submersible pump is expanding, and forced lubrication oil seal submersible pump appears. Due to forced lubrication, an oil film is formed between the sealing surface of the plug and the plug body. In this way, the sealing performance is better, the opening and closing is labor-saving, and the damage of the sealing surface is prevented. Introduction of TPL vertical long shaft pump in Shanghai pump works TPL vertical long shaft pump is a series of advanced and mature products which absorb the advanced experience of design and manufacture of vertical long shaft pump at home and abroad and combine with the domestic market demand. Transport clean water and sewage containing certain solid particles (such as iron, sand, pulverized coal, etc.). )Corrosive industrial waste water and sea water; the temperature of conveying liquid shall not exceed 80 ℃. It is widely used in primary water treatment plant, sewage treatment plant, metallurgy and iron and steel industry (especially the swirling pool conveying iron oxide scale water), power plant, mine, municipal engineering and farmland water conservancy engineering. Type implication 150 TPL 3-90a-l150 - pump outlet diameter 150 mm TPL - Shanghai Longya vertical long shaft pump 3 - impeller stage is 3 (stage is slightly 1 hour) 90 - design point lift is 90 Ma when not cut - impeller outer diameter cutting code L - immersion depth m (L ≤ 18 m) performance range (Design point) flow: 60 ~ 8400 m3 / h head: 12.5 ~ 94.5 M structure features TPL vertical long shaft pump appearance main features are as follows: 1 The hydraulic design software is used to optimize the design, with superior performance. The wear resistance of impeller and guide vane is fully considered, so that the service life of impeller and other vulnerable parts is greatly improved; the product is stable, safe and reliable, efficient and energy-saving. 2. The inlet of the pump is equipped with a filter screen with appropriate opening size, which can not only effectively prevent large particles from entering into the long axis sewage pump of titanium dragon to damage the pump, but also minimize the inlet loss and improve the efficiency of the pump. 3. The balance hole is used to balance the axial force of the impeller. Replaceable sealing rings are set on the front and rear cover plates of the impeller to protect the impeller and pump body. 4. The intermediate shaft, lifting pipe and protection pipe of the pump are multi section type, and the intermediate indirect shaft adopts sleeve coupling technology. The number of risers can be increased or decreased according to the needs of users to adapt to different submergence depths. Impeller and guide vane are multi-stage, which can meet different lift requirements. 5. The water pump riser is connected by flange with guide bearing in the middle. The guide bearing of water pump is made of reinforced filled PTFE or Canadian Cylon bearing, or nitrile rubber (for medium temperature higher than 55 ℃). The shaft is protected by a protective tube. When conveying sewage, the guide bearing must be externally connected with cooling water and lubricating oil. 6. The residual axial force of the pump and the weight of the rotor parts are borne by the thrust bearing in the motor seat or the motor with thrust bearing. The thrust bearing is lubricated with thin oil and cooled with external water. The temperature control element can be embedded in the thrust bearing. 7. The shaft seal of the pump is a packing seal, and the shaft seal and guide bearing are equipped with replaceable shaft sleeve to protect the shaft. The axial position of the impeller is adjusted by the upper end of the bearing assembly or the adjusting nut in the pump coupling, which is very convenient. 8. The water pump can be equipped with a control cabinet, which can automatically start and stop according to the liquid level, overload alarm, real-time remote monitoring and other functions, and can realize multi pump networking and remote centralized control. Pumps larger than 500mm in diameter are equipped with automatic exhaust system. Material conveying medium material category part name clear water sewage seawater Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ horn HT250 HT 250 Ni 2 CR ZG 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 impeller HT250 zg1cr13ni1 or ZG 1 CR 18 Ni 9 ZG 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 ZG 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 guide vane HT 2 50qt 500-7ht 250 I2 CRZ g 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 riser q235-q236 2cr1345 or 2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9 1Cr18Ni9 shaft sleeve 2Cr13 2Cr13 1Cr17Ni2 1Cr17Ni2 guide bearing filled with PTFE or Cylon guide bearing body HT 250 HT 250 N2 CRZ g 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 sealing ring HT 2502 CR 13 HT 250 N2 CRZ g 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 shaft sleeve coupling 45 or 2Cr13 45 or 2Cr13 1Cr17Ni2 1Cr17Ni2 coupling HT 250 Shanghai Pump Factory Longya pump industry sincerely looks forward to common development with you! Shanghai Longya pump valve brand service commitment: repair, replace and return the defective products within the warranty period; all quality complaints should be answered within 24 hours. Service personnel shall be dispatched to leave the site without troubleshooting or making conclusions. The accessories produced by our factory are original ones. Our products and accessories are universal and compatible with the original model. If there are installation size and quality problems, we will return unconditionally, all equipment life-long service! (the whole machine is guaranteed for one year, except for wearing parts). Contact information of after-sales departments in all regions of China: Shanghai 400-001-5655 (contact information of after-sales departments in other regions, please call for consultation)!


新闻来源:钛龙供水设备 作者:计量泵 点击数: 更新时间:2021-03-11 10:10:07 收藏此页
上海龙亚泵阀厂的产品概述(可以替代进口泵电厂的质量和服务标准,材料真实耐用!你的好名声,我们的价值和目标!)。钛龙潜水泵根据伸入容器的长度不同做成规格。潜水泵的工作部分浸没在液体中,轴封没有液体飞溅现象;泵运行产生的轴向力和径向力分别由滚动轴承和滑动轴承支撑,运行安静无噪音;密封填料处有冷却系统,可根据用户使用介质的温度,用冷却水带走热量。●潜水泵的用途和特点潜水泵与介质接触的部件由聚乙烯醇缩丁醛改性的酚醛玻璃纤维和高温成型的酚醛玻璃纤维增强塑料制成。连接管和出口管由酚醛玻璃钢管通过半干法轧制工艺制成。叶轮轴套的装配通过酚醛树脂与潜水泵的泵轴结合成一体。潜水泵的所有部件都用酚醛胶泥粘合。当延伸到液体中时,没有金属与介质接触。耐腐蚀性绝对可靠。该产品具有潜水泵的传动和旋转方向:泵由电机通过爪式弹性联轴器直接驱动,泵从电机端顺时针旋转。玻璃钢潜水泵广泛应用于化工、石化、冶炼、染料、农药、稀土、化肥等行业。是输送各种非氧化性酸(盐酸、稀硫酸、甲酸、乙酸、丁酸)等最理想的设备。不含悬浮固体颗粒,不易结晶,温度不高于120℃。●长轴排污液下泵1的组装。潜水泵的装配顺序(1)分别在轴承箱和轴承座上安装轴承。(2)将毡圈安装在轴承端盖A、C和轴承箱上。(3)将轴承端盖B和C安装在轴承座上,并用螺栓紧固。(4)将轴承安装在轴上,磨损轴承箱,拧上圆螺母,将轴承端盖紧固在轴承箱上。(5)将轴装入轴承座,用螺栓固定,拧上调节螺钉,将轴承安装在轴承座上,并将挡水圈卡在下轴承的适当位置。(6)将连接管固定在轴承座上,在连接管下部安装泵盖,在轴下部安装并拧紧叶轮,依次安装泵体前盖,并用螺栓固定。用轴承箱上的调节螺钉调节叶轮和前盖之间的间隙(在1-1.5毫米范围内),调节后用螺母和螺栓拧紧。(7)电机支架安装在轴承座上,并用螺栓紧固。轴的上端装有联轴器部件,电机联轴器用紧固螺钉紧固在电机轴头上。电机安装在电机支架上,用螺栓和螺母紧固。(8)按泵输出顺序安装石棉垫、出口弯头和出口管件,并固定在轴承座上。●液下泵1的启动和停止。观察钛龙长轴排污液下泵的安装基础是否稳定,各部件的螺栓是否拧紧。2.检查泵的轴向间隙是否已经调整(拉动联轴器时没有摩擦声)。3.用钙基黄油标记油。4.检查电机的旋转方向是否正确。5.启动电机,打开压力表旋塞。当泵全速工作时,将闸阀的开度调整到所需的范围。6.当泵停止工作时,先停止电机,然后关闭压力表旋塞。7.当泵长时间停止运行时,应拆卸泵,擦拭干净,并涂上防锈油,以妥善保存。●潜水泵1的操作。注意泵的轴承温度,不应超过外部温度35度,但最高不应超过75度。2.油杯应注满钙基黄油,以确保轴承正常润滑。3.电机支架油杯中的黄油应在运行的第一个月内或运行100小时后更换,每运行2000小时后更换一次。4.定期检查弹性联轴器,注意电机轴承温升。5.在移动过程中,如果发现噪音或异常声音,应立即停车检查。6.泵每工作2000小时应进行一次定期检查。叶轮与泵体(或泵盖)间隙的摩擦力不得过大,间隙的最大值不得超过1.5 mm,如超过可更换叶轮或前盖。7.WATERSUNNY泵工作6小时后,检查密封,根据磨损程度进行修理或更换,否则会损坏泵轴和轴承。●潜水泵1的使用。拧紧潜油泵拧紧潜油泵通常用于低压直通管道,其密封性能完全取决于堵头与堵头本体的配合,通过拧紧下螺母来压缩密封面。一般用于PN≤0.6Mpa..2.填料潜水泵。填料潜水泵通过压紧填料来密封塞子和塞体。因为有填料,密封性能更好。通常这种液下泵有填料压盖,堵头不需要伸出阀体,减少了一条工作介质的泄漏路径。这种液下泵广泛用于压力PN≤1Mpa的场合。3.自密封潜水泵通过介质本身的压力实现塞与塞体之间的压紧和密封。塞子的小端向上伸出本体,介质通过入口处的小孔进入塞子的大端,将塞子向上压。这种结构一般用于空气介质。4.油封潜油泵近年来,油封潜油泵的应用范围不断扩大,出现了强制润滑油封潜油泵。由于强制润滑,在塞的密封面和塞体之间形成油膜。这样密封性能更好,启闭省力,防止密封面损坏。上海水泵厂TPL立式长轴泵概述龙亚泵行业高效节能产品TPL立式长轴泵是吸收国内外立式长轴泵设计制造的先进经验,结合国内市场需求开发的先进成熟的系列产品。输送清水和含有一定固体颗粒(如铁屑、沙粒、煤粉等)的污水。),腐蚀性工业废水和海水;输送液体的温度不得超过80℃。广泛应用于一级水处理厂、污水处理厂、冶金钢铁行业(特别是本行业输送氧化铁垢水的旋流池)、电厂、矿山、市政工程、农田水利工程。型式含义150 tpl 3-90a-l150-泵出口直径150mm TPL-上海龙亚立式长轴泵3-叶轮级数为3(级数略为1小时)90-设计点扬程未切割时为90ma-叶轮外径切割代码L-浸没深度m(L≤18m)性能范围(设计点)流量:60 ~ 8400 m3/h扬程:12.5 ~ 94.5 m结构特点TPL立式长轴泵外观主要特点如下:1 .用液压设计软件优化设计,性能优越,充分考虑叶轮和导叶的耐磨性,使叶轮等易损件的寿命大大提高;产品稳定、安全可靠、高效节能。2.泵的入口设有滤网,开口尺寸合适,不仅有效防止大颗粒进入钛龙长轴排污液下泵内损坏泵,而且最大限度地减少入口损失,提高泵的效率。3.平衡孔用于平衡叶轮的轴向力,叶轮前后盖板上设有可更换的密封圈,保护叶轮和泵体。4.泵中间轴、提升管和保护管为多段式,中间间接轴采用套筒联轴器技术。提升管的数量可以根据用户的需要增加或减少,以适应不同的淹没深度。叶轮和导叶是多级的,可以满足不同的升程要求。5.水泵提升管通过中间带有导向轴承的法兰连接。水泵导向轴承采用增强填充聚四氟乙烯或加拿大赛昂轴承,或丁腈橡胶(用于高于55℃的介质温度)。轴由保护管保护,输送污水时,导向轴承必须外接冷却水和润滑油。6.泵的残余轴向力和转子部件的重量由电机座中的止推轴承或带有止推轴承的电机承受。推力轴承用稀油润滑,用外部水冷却。温度控制元件可以嵌入推力轴承。7.泵的轴封是填料密封,轴封和导向轴承配有可更换的轴套来保护轴。叶轮的轴向位置由轴承组件的上端或泵联轴器中的调节螺母调节,非常方便。8.水泵可配控制柜,具有根据液位自动启停、过载报警、实时远程监控等多种功能,可实现多泵联网远程集中控制。直径大于500mm的泵配有自动排气系统。物料输送介质物料类别零件名称清水污水海水ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ喇叭口HT250 ht 250 ni 2 Cr ZG 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2叶轮HT250 ZG1Cr13Ni1或ZG 1 Cr 18 ni 9 ZG 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2 ZG 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2导叶体ht 2 50qt 500-7ht 250 I2 crz g 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2立管Q235-Q236 2Cr13 45或2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9 1Cr18Ni9轴套2Cr13 2Cr13 1Cr17Ni2 1Cr17Ni2导向轴承填充聚四氟乙烯或赛隆导向轴承体ht 250 ht 250 ht 250 N2 crz g 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2密封圈ht 2502 Cr 13 ht 250 N2 crz g 00 Cr 17 ni 14 mo 2轴套联轴器45或2Cr13 45或2Cr13 1Cr17Ni2 1Cr17Ni2联轴器ht250 上海水泵厂龙亚泵行业真诚期待与您共同发展!上海龙亚泵阀品牌服务承诺:在质量保证期内对缺陷产品进行修理、更换和退货;所有质量投诉应在24小时内得到答复。应派遣服务人员离开现场,不排除故障或做出结论。本厂生产的配件均为原装配件。我厂生产的长轴排污液下泵产品及配件具有通用性,与原厂型号兼容。如有安装尺寸和质量问题,我们将无条件退换,所有设备终身服务!(整机保修一年,易损件除外)。全国各地区售后部门联系方式:上海400-001-5655(其他地区售后部门联系方式,请来电咨询)!
Some notes on the long axis sewage submerged pump of titanium Dragon
Shanghai Longya pump valve factory product overview (can replace the quality and service standards of imported pump power plant, the material is real and durable! Your good reputation, our values and goals! )。 Titanium dragon submersible pump is made into different specifications according to the length of the container. The working part of the submersible pump is immersed in the liquid, and the shaft seal has no liquid splash phenomenon; the axial force and radial force generated by the pump operation are respectively supported by rolling bearings and sliding bearings, so the operation is quiet and noiseless; there is a cooling system at the sealing packing, which can take away the heat with cooling water according to the temperature of the user's medium. Application and characteristics of submersible pump the components of submersible pump contacting with medium are made of polyvinyl butyral modified phenolic glass fiber and high temperature molded phenolic glass fiber reinforced plastic. The connecting pipe and outlet pipe are made of phenolic glass pipe by semi dry rolling process. The assembly of impeller shaft sleeve is integrated with the pump shaft of submersible pump through phenolic resin. All parts of submersible pump are bonded with phenolic mastic. When extended into the liquid, there is no metal in contact with the medium. Corrosion resistance is absolutely reliable. The product has the drive and rotation direction of submersible pump: the pump is directly driven by the motor through the claw type elastic coupling, and the pump rotates clockwise from the motor end. FRP submersible pump is widely used in chemical, petrochemical, smelting, dye, pesticide, rare earth, fertilizer and other industries. It is the most ideal equipment for transporting all kinds of non oxidizing acids (hydrochloric acid, dilute sulfuric acid, formic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid). The temperature is not higher than 120 ℃. ● assembly of submersible pump 1. The assembly sequence of submersible pump (1) is to install bearings on bearing box and bearing seat respectively. (2) Install the felt ring on the bearing end caps a, C and the bearing housing. (3) Install the bearing end caps B and C on the bearing pedestal and fasten them with bolts. (4) Install the bearing on the shaft, wear the bearing box, screw on the round nut, and fasten the bearing end cover on the bearing box. (5) Install the shaft into the bearing seat, fix it with bolts, screw on the adjusting screw, install the bearing on the bearing seat, and clamp the water retaining ring in the proper position of the lower bearing. (6) Fix the connecting pipe on the bearing seat, install the pump cover at the lower part of the connecting pipe, install and tighten the impeller at the lower part of the shaft, install the front cover of the pump body in turn, and fix it with bolts. Use the adjusting screw on the bearing housing to adjust the clearance between the impeller and the front cover (in the range of 1-1.5mm). After adjustment, tighten it with nuts and bolts. (7) The motor bracket is installed on the bearing seat and fastened with bolts. The upper end of the shaft is equipped with a coupling part, and the motor coupling is fastened on the motor shaft head with a fastening screw. The motor is installed on the motor bracket and fastened with bolts and nuts. (8) Install asbestos gasket, outlet elbow and outlet pipe fittings according to the pump output sequence, and fix them on the bearing seat. Start and stop of submersible pump 1. Observe whether the installation foundation of titanium long axis sewage submerged pump is stable, and whether the bolts of each part are tightened. 2. Check whether the axial clearance of the pump has been adjusted (there is no friction sound when pulling the coupling). 3. Mark the oil with calcium butter. 4. Check whether the rotation direction of the motor is correct. 5. Start the motor and open the pressure gauge cock. When the pump works at full speed, adjust the gate valve opening to the required range. 6. When the pump stops working, stop the motor first, and then close the pressure gauge cock. 7. When the pump stops running for a long time, the pump should be disassembled, wiped clean and coated with anti rust oil for proper storage. Operation of submersible pump 1. Note that the bearing temperature of the pump should not exceed the external temperature of 35 degrees, but the maximum should not exceed 75 degrees. 2. The oil cup should be filled with calcium base grease to ensure the normal lubrication of the bearing. 3. The grease in the oil cup of motor bracket should be replaced within the first month of operation or after 100 hours of operation, and every 2000 hours of operation. 4. Check the elastic coupling regularly and pay attention to the temperature rise of motor bearing. 5. In the process of moving, if any noise or abnormal sound is found, stop and check immediately. 6. The pump should be checked regularly every 2000 hours. The friction between impeller and pump body (or pump cover) shall not be too large, and the maximum clearance shall not exceed 1.5 mm, if it exceeds the replaceable impeller or front cover. 7. After the watersunny pump works for 6 hours, check the seal and repair or replace it according to the wear degree, otherwise the pump shaft and bearing will be damaged. Use of submersible pump 1. Tightening submersible pump tightening submersible pump is usually used for low-pressure straight through pipeline, its sealing performance completely depends on the matching of plug and plug body, and the sealing surface is compressed by tightening the lower nut. Generally used for PN ≤ 0.6MPa.. 2. The packing submersible pump seals the plug and the plug body by compressing the packing. Because of the packing, the sealing performance is better. Usually, this kind of submerged pump has a packing gland, and the plug does not need to extend out of the valve body, which reduces the leakage path of a working medium. This kind of submerged pump is widely used in the situation of pressure PN ≤ 1MPa. 3. The self sealing submersible pump achieves the compression and sealing between the plug and the plug body through the pressure of the medium itself. The small end of the plug extends upward from the body, and the medium enters into the large end of the plug through the small hole at the entrance to press the plug upward. This structure is generally used for air medium. 4. Oil seal submersible pump in recent years, the application scope of oil seal submersible pump is expanding, and forced lubrication oil seal submersible pump appears. Due to forced lubrication, an oil film is formed between the sealing surface of the plug and the plug body. In this way, the sealing performance is better, the opening and closing is labor-saving, and the damage of the sealing surface is prevented. Introduction of TPL vertical long shaft pump in Shanghai pump works TPL vertical long shaft pump is a series of advanced and mature products which absorb the advanced experience of design and manufacture of vertical long shaft pump at home and abroad and combine with the domestic market demand. Transport clean water and sewage containing certain solid particles (such as iron, sand, pulverized coal, etc.). )Corrosive industrial waste water and sea water; the temperature of conveying liquid shall not exceed 80 ℃. It is widely used in primary water treatment plant, sewage treatment plant, metallurgy and iron and steel industry (especially the swirling pool conveying iron oxide scale water), power plant, mine, municipal engineering and farmland water conservancy engineering. Type implication 150 TPL 3-90a-l150 - pump outlet diameter 150 mm TPL - Shanghai Longya vertical long shaft pump 3 - impeller stage is 3 (stage is slightly 1 hour) 90 - design point lift is 90 Ma when not cut - impeller outer diameter cutting code L - immersion depth m (L ≤ 18 m) performance range (Design point) flow: 60 ~ 8400 m3 / h head: 12.5 ~ 94.5 M structure features TPL vertical long shaft pump appearance main features are as follows: 1 The hydraulic design software is used to optimize the design, with superior performance. The wear resistance of impeller and guide vane is fully considered, so that the service life of impeller and other vulnerable parts is greatly improved; the product is stable, safe and reliable, efficient and energy-saving. 2. The inlet of the pump is equipped with a filter screen with appropriate opening size, which can not only effectively prevent large particles from entering into the long axis sewage pump of titanium dragon to damage the pump, but also minimize the inlet loss and improve the efficiency of the pump. 3. The balance hole is used to balance the axial force of the impeller. Replaceable sealing rings are set on the front and rear cover plates of the impeller to protect the impeller and pump body. 4. The intermediate shaft, lifting pipe and protection pipe of the pump are multi section type, and the intermediate indirect shaft adopts sleeve coupling technology. The number of risers can be increased or decreased according to the needs of users to adapt to different submergence depths. Impeller and guide vane are multi-stage, which can meet different lift requirements. 5. The water pump riser is connected by flange with guide bearing in the middle. The guide bearing of water pump is made of reinforced filled PTFE or Canadian Cylon bearing, or nitrile rubber (for medium temperature higher than 55 ℃). The shaft is protected by a protective tube. When conveying sewage, the guide bearing must be externally connected with cooling water and lubricating oil. 6. The residual axial force of the pump and the weight of the rotor parts are borne by the thrust bearing in the motor seat or the motor with thrust bearing. The thrust bearing is lubricated with thin oil and cooled with external water. The temperature control element can be embedded in the thrust bearing. 7. The shaft seal of the pump is a packing seal, and the shaft seal and guide bearing are equipped with replaceable shaft sleeve to protect the shaft. The axial position of the impeller is adjusted by the upper end of the bearing assembly or the adjusting nut in the pump coupling, which is very convenient. 8. The water pump can be equipped with a control cabinet, which can automatically start and stop according to the liquid level, overload alarm, real-time remote monitoring and other functions, and can realize multi pump networking and remote centralized control. Pumps larger than 500mm in diameter are equipped with automatic exhaust system. Material conveying medium material category part name clear water sewage seawater Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ horn HT250 HT 250 Ni 2 CR ZG 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 impeller HT250 zg1cr13ni1 or ZG 1 CR 18 Ni 9 ZG 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 ZG 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 guide vane HT 2 50qt 500-7ht 250 I2 CRZ g 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 riser q235-q236 2cr1345 or 2Cr13 1Cr18Ni9 1Cr18Ni9 shaft sleeve 2Cr13 2Cr13 1Cr17Ni2 1Cr17Ni2 guide bearing filled with PTFE or Cylon guide bearing body HT 250 HT 250 N2 CRZ g 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 sealing ring HT 2502 CR 13 HT 250 N2 CRZ g 00 CR 17 Ni 14 mo 2 shaft sleeve coupling 45 or 2Cr13 45 or 2Cr13 1Cr17Ni2 1Cr17Ni2 coupling HT 250 Shanghai Pump Factory Longya pump industry sincerely looks forward to common development with you! Shanghai Longya pump valve brand service commitment: repair, replace and return the defective products within the warranty period; all quality complaints should be answered within 24 hours. Service personnel shall be dispatched to leave the site without troubleshooting or making conclusions. The accessories produced by our factory are original ones. Our products and accessories are universal and compatible with the original model. If there are installation size and quality problems, we will return unconditionally, all equipment life-long service! (the whole machine is guaranteed for one year, except for wearing parts). Contact information of after-sales departments in all regions of China: Shanghai 400-001-5655 (contact information of after-sales departments in other regions, please call for consultation)!
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